Friday, 8 October 2010

My Photography

Portfolio title: My Photography
Target audience: 16-40 year olds
Theme: Nature and Urban 
Presentation medium: (Web)
Portfolio goals and objectives:
 What does the project aim to do? See the differences between nature and urban environments.
 What effect do you want to have on the audience? I want them to see what a difference there is between nature and urban, natural and man made. 
 Is there a question you are exploring? No
Portfolio description: Explain the types of images the portfolio will contain, such as:
Location and resources:
 Where will your images be taken? Around Town, and College.
 What equipment will you need? A Camera.

Friday, 1 October 2010

Notes From Today

Auto focus uses inferred beams to work out the focus difference.

Shutter Speed, 1/250th of a second is fast and 1/30th of a second is slow, its the slowest picture without a tripod. 

Aperture  is like the human eye ball pupil. The higher the F number the smaller the hole in the lens.

A macro shot is good for close up shots because it focuses on closer objects. 
We went out around the college to take pictures of things with different shutter settings, lighter and darker locations and also taking pictures of fast moving objects and slow moving objects.